The Wand is a fruit of the knowledge, bequeathed of the old masters to usta Darin. The Wand is a result of twenty five years personal experience of usta Darin. He is a nearest to the operative masters masons of The Tryavna school (Bulgaria) and the only prize winner of the title usta (a best master) and the master`s red waistband in Bulgaria.
For a first time The Wand was introduce like ENERGY HARMONIZER in Malaysian International Furniture Fair – MIFF 2015 in Kuala Lumpur. The President of Malaysian Academy for Energy Medicine, Mr. Yogi Tan, gave very high praise to The Wand. Mr. Tan said The Wand is with very powerful radiation and it can be energy harmonizer for a whole building.
Sacred geometry, symbols, sacred wood, semiprecious stones responding to the energy centers in the human body, string resounding with the frequency of vibration of the Earth. All of these premises the strong connection with the Earth and the fine Space energies far of the nature, namely in the life surroundings like a office, home or a temple. The Wand harmonizes the life surroundings and the people there!
It was presented the energy harmonizer – OPEN CONSCIOUSNESS CHAIR in the same exhibition.